Re-membering Our Freedom and Belonging
23 - 27 April 2025
Haus Am See in Chorin, Germany
My heart is howling for you to come play a new game with me.
Many of us are not living lives as fulfilling as we long for them to be, and collectively we are facing increasingly complex and daunting crises, yet my heart KNOWS there is another way, and on my lifelong quest I’ve discovered some of the principles and practices that I believe can support us in getting there.
I don’t know THE way, but I assure you there are paths to experience SO, SO, SO much joy, pleasure, magic, connection and beauty, to taste and breathe life in its infinite richness and sacredness. It can be so simple. And there is so much guidance available if we dare to open and receive it.
It’s not all love and light. There are reasons we are not there day-in-day-out and as we move towards our longing and potential, we will inevitably meet all that gets in the way.
But it’s not all dark, heavy and depressing either. Feeling in its pure form – whatever it is that wants to be felt, whether joy, sadness, grief, fear, anger, numbness – allows stuck life force energy to move and can feel ecstatic, liberating and peaceful all at the same time. Going deep allows us to soar high. And it gives us guidance on how to live our lives in more alignment, more truthful to who we really are and what Life wants to do through us.
Making our love of the truth our most important Love story is the most romantic gesture we will ever make. And taking responsibility for our lives is how we enter the empowering, creative, delicious dance of making love to Life itself.
But two of the most important ingredients of the cosmic sauce are these: our companions and our ability to laugh about it all. After all, life is a big cosmic joke, a great adventure and none of us know how much longer we get to play on this great big magnificent rock hurling through space.
“Which is more important?’ asked Big Panda. ‘the journey or the destination?” - “The company”, said Tiny Dragon.
My heart is howling, calling out to you:
Come Play!
Or book a discovery call to find out more.
“The familiar horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for passing the threshold is at hand.”
- Joseph Campbell, The Hero With A Thousand Facesl
There are foundational pillars and core skills of ‘how to do this human thing’ that many of us didn’t receive an education on.
We didn’t learn how to become truly empowered and take responsibility for our lives, how to take care of our mind, how to regulate our nervous system, how to understand our feelings and move our energy, how to access our body’s wisdom and guidance as well as expand into our tremendous capacity for pleasure, how to cultivate truly fulfilling relationships, how to speak our truth, set healthy boundaries and claim our desires, how to listen and communicate with the natural and invisible world, how to listen and communicate with Life itself, and SO MUCH MORE.
Each of us is a truly majestic being, full of exquisite shining sparkling uniqueness, and we didn’t come here to live and die in these energetic corsets that have kept us safe, but oh so much smaller than we truly are.
I haven’t figured it all out, but I’ve learned a thing or two in all these domains. And I want to keep learning – together with you! There is is tremendous power, potential and magic in stepping out from underneath our facades of “having it all together” and coming together in the raw honesty of our not knowing, of our fear, of our longings.
This isn’t a niche retreat focusing on any one specific theme or skill. This is one building block of a new culture, a foundational initiation into a more meaningful, wholesome and fun way of relating – with yourself, with others, with the natural world and with the Great Mystery of Life itself.

The retreat will be unique and emergent in nature, meaning we will respond to the group’s aliveness in the moment, rather than follow a set structure.
While the unknown can seem like a scary place to hang out, it is often very rich to make space for Life to move, as in my experience Life is the best player I know, opening pathways of possibility and healing that we would not be able to conceive of from our current vantage point.
Having said that, here is an insight into some of what you may experience:
The practice of present-moment self-inquiry is one of the most crucial, helpful and enriching keys I have discovered in my life. Starting with the premise of not knowing, guided by curiosity and one’s love of the truth, inquiry is a process of looking at whatever is arising and trying to see, sense, feel and understand it more deeply. Whatever is coming up is an opening into something deeper.
Being in group is one of the most transformational cauldrons I know. Much of our wounding happened in connection, and it is in connection that we can access and heal it. The group becomes a sacred mirror, reflecting back aspects of ourselves through direct feedback and resonance, as well as through our projections and judgments. And a group generates an amplified field of consciousness, and thus healing potential, by virtue of everyone’s mindful, directed attention.
The disconnection from the wisdom of our body is one of the primary ways our core wound of separation expresses itself. We will use movement, sound, breath and touch to support us in re-establishing a balance between our unquestionably important and valuable, but overly dominant mind, and other ways of knowing and being. Becoming more embodied will also serve as a gateway to more fully enjoying the pleasures of being a living, breathing, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, sensing human being and allow us to access more freedom, creativity and flow.
Many of us were not held enough as babies and children so there is a deep unmet need, a subtle core stress, etched into our nervous systems. This often extends into adulthood where physical touch is often only experienced in romantic relationships, if at all. Yet when we learn how to express, sense and welcome boundaries, when we can touch with attunement, and thus come into authentic embodied connection with others, without it being sexual or needing to lead anywhere, there is a deep, vital, cellular soothing and somatic regulation that unfolds that can feel like finally reaching an oasis after trekking through the desert your entire life.
Nature harbours an infinite well of teachings, allies and medicines in all shapes and forms. When we open to the natural world as alive and full of beings we can engage with directly, we can start to meet the medicine and wisdom of plants, mushrooms, minerals, animals, elements and the seasons. A sense of belonging, abundance and wonder enters our lives that is actually as vital for us as the oxygen we breathe.
Food is one of life’s extraordinary expressions of love: full of abundance, richness and creativity. On our retreats we honour and celebrate that by cooking with the same spirit of love and creativity, and sourcing produce locally and organically where possible to do our part in taking care of the Earth in turn. “Let food be thy medicine” (Hippocrates). “We are what we eat” (folk wisdom).
Creativity is our birthright. It is who we are and creative, non-linear expression has been a key aspect of what it means to be human across culture and time. It is one of the most fulfilling and connecting experiences for a human to be a channel for the Divine, in whatever shape or form that wants to take place.
Creativity is play and playing is freedom. The freer we get inside, the lighter we are, the more we can play. And it goes the other way, too: Playing loosens up rigid pathways, creating freedom and possibilities.
Many of us have been conditioned to believe that we are not creative, but we actually create ALL the time. And if you can talk, you can sing, and if you can walk you can dance. You will be invited to participate in easy, accessible exercises to let go of some of your self-limiting beliefs, and to allow yourself to be guided by the divinely intelligent creative life force living at your core.
Rituals and ceremonies help us shift our own internal state of mind and allow us to more intentionally co-create with Life. It is an opportunity to reset ourselves, to come back to our values and the love that we are, to remember who and how we want to be and what we have come here for.
Letting our intention permeate our thoughts, movements and how we arrange physical space, we can transform the seemingly mundane into magic. How we direct our own consciousness is how we interact with the fabric of consciousness interwoven through all existence.
My experience over the course of MANY personal and collective ceremonies is that divine guidance does come in when we make space for it, when we invite it with intention and then surrender to the current of Life and how it wants to move us, letting go of attachment and our ego’s ideas of what needs to happen.
⚠️ PLEASE NOTE: All activities at this retreat are OPTIONAL. You will never be forced to participate in anything you don’t want to. At the same time, please consider joining this retreat only if leaning into your growth edge of discomfort is something you are principally a yes to, even if in any given moment you might also be a no. ✅

What past participants say…
Haus Am See in Chorin, Germany
I am honoured and excited to be inviting you to a location and a land that is so very dear to my heart.
💞 The power of place, community and intention: Haus Am See is the centrepiece of a community that is dedicated to the cultivation of peace on Earth. Peace within ourselves, with each other, with the natural world and all of Life. The former hotel was renovated and transformed into the temple it is today with the help of its community members, including yours truly, and is imbued with our sweat, deepest love and highest vision. I so look forward to welcoming you there.
🌳 The power of the land: The venue is tucked away in a vibrant forest and offers breathtaking views (and opportunities for refreshing dips in) the lake. Ancient folklore tells that the lake just in front of the venue holds healing properties and people used to come from the neighbouring villages to relieve their ailments and sorrows. There’s also a magnificent monastery from the year 1258 AD only a 5 minute walk away, built on what used to be a sacred pagan site.
🚂 The power of convenience: The venue is located just a 45-minute train ride from Berlin city centre, as well as easily accessible from the airport in 1h30 with only one train changeover.
Dates & Times
Begin: Wednesday April 23rd, 15h
End: Sunday April 27th around 14h
Retreat cost:
Early bird 20% off (until February 22): 880€
Full price: 1100€
Accommodation & full organic board (to be paid directly to the venue upon arrival)
Shared room (2-3 people): 420€ per person
Single room (depending on availability): 560€
“My heart tells me that all over the world others are emerging, blinking from their caves because some horn has been sounded somewhere in cosmos, calling us…
I do not know your way but I am curious to see how the love that you are is calling you, dancing you in your own journey to the ocean.
This is my full moon heart howl and I sound it clear and strong on the winds of spirit blowing through the torn veils in the temple that is this beautiful earth.”
- Bruce Lyon, Heart Howl